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Health care databases

Some really exceptional health care doorways. Maybe make a cup of tea while you peruse? Relaxation is healthy; thinking of a smile is, too.

Canadian Journal of Medicine—via the Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development, in contrast to the New England Journal of Medicine, is free. 


GARD—The Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center—GARD is the Genetic and Rare Disease Information Center at the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, part of the National Institutes of Health and then the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. This particular link is for those who are having to play Sherlock Holmes around diagnosing or finding out more about what may be a rare disease, or understanding terminology put forward. Lots of information in here on more diseases than you'd likely ever even heard of, e.g., new treatments for Chagas disease. 


NIH—US National Library of Medicine—To aid in your searches, it helps to know the proper medical terminology for your search terms. This page gives you links to their databases for a vocabulary thesaurus, the Unified Medical Language System, the RxNorm, for normalized names of clinical drugs and drug vocabularies; the SNOMED CT, for clinical terminology; and the MedLine Plus Consumer Health Topic Vocabulary for 850+ health topics for patients, families and friends—in English, and in Spanish.  

NIH—US National Library of Medicine
—Index of resources for services, databases, publications, research activities, for the world's largest biomedical library.


FAQs about Medline—the huge database of more than 23 million references to articles published in approximately 5,600 current biomedical journals from the United States and over 80 foreign countries, and is a database you can search for free using the NLM at the link just below.
—Contains some 23 million citations for biomedical literature from Medline, life science journal, and online books. An incredible resource.


Health Calculators—Medical College of Wisconsin—Educational tool for BMI, coronary heart disease risk, LDL cholesterol goals and more, designed for health professionals.


NAMI–National Alliance on Mental Illness—Understanding mental health and mental illness and everything in between can be a labyrinth, and this site helps one navigate through it. It is also important for learning to recognize when friends are having struggles that indicate they need support and help, perhaps counseling or even immediate intervention, and how communities can work together to aid in that.

CDC–Centers for Disease Control & Prevention—includes a travelers health section, and training and employment resources.


LOC–Library of CongressScience Reference Guides–Locating Health and Medical Information—While the page is a little older, many of the links will be current, and you can also use some of them as search terms for deeper research in the Library of Congress search section.


LOC–Library of Congress—Selected Internet Resources—Health/Medical—A listing of eleven relevant websites with extensive databases and links to a wide variety of websites devoted to health topics.

LOC–Library of CongressThe LOC Home page with the main search field right at the top. If you can't see the reference that comes up in a digital format, odds are that you can find it in your state's library system, which sometimes interconnect with university medical libraries.

Karolinska Institute—Library—Search this large Swedish resource for diseases, disorders and related topics. Designed for consumers, health professionals and researchers.

Mayo Clinic-Patient Care and Health Information—Provides iInformation on diseases and conditions, symptoms, tests and procedures, drugs and supplements.

Mayo Clinic—Healthy Lifestyle—Articles on tools for living a healthy lifestyle.

Planned Parenthood—Information about women's health, body image, birth control, STDs, programs and issues, as well as pregnancy information. From nurses and doctors I have known, I've learned that this is a very helpful organization, with lots of great information for young ladies growing up largely in a social vacuum around good medical knowledge around womanhood and parenting.

Tufts University Nutrition Navigator—Tour this excellent site for reviews and ratings of nutrition oriented web sites, and information. Features general nutrition, search facility, advice for families, and a professional section.

WHO–World Health Organization—Find health reports, resources, organizational information, and news. Includes search facility. One article in here, around Chile's super-successful reduction of hospital-acquired infections revolves around one primary germ-control technique all our mothers taught us, to remember to wash our hands with soap and water—practice good hands hygiene.



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